
About Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness

Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness provides the highest quality, compassionate optometry care to ensure your family enjoy a long, happy, and healthy life.

Our Mission

The Perceptions Team promises to be the best provider of comprehensive and innovative eye, vision and healthcare services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of complex chronic disease.

Our Vision

The Perceptions Team will improve the lives and well-being of individuals by optimizing vision, health, and wellness.

About Us

Tara Parnell, OD, is a friendly and knowledgeable optometrist practicing at Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness in Southport, North Carolina. In addition to providing eye exams and managing eye diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration, she takes time to educate patients about their eye health and explain the results of their eye exam and their treatment options.

Dr. Parnell completed her bachelor’s degree at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, and went on to earn her doctor of optometry degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry. She served her internships in retina and ocular disease in Raleigh and Farmington, New Mexico. Dr. Parnell also completed a primary care internship in Sanford, North Carolina. She is a member of the American Optometric Association and the North Carolina State Optometric Society.

Dr. Parnell is active in the community and volunteers with the Lions Club, Waves for Kids, and Communities in Schools. She enjoys spending time with her son and the outdoor activities available at local beaches, including paddle boarding and boating.

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