
Micro Needling also called know as Collagen Induction Therapy

The treatment that causes skin to heal itself and build collagen.

The beautiful result is a reduction in fine lines/wrinkles, acne and/or surgical scars, lax skin, stretch marks and pigmentation.

The Rejuvapen is a remarkable, non-laser, non-surgical treatment that causes skin to stimulate collagen production and fresh, new tissue. Skin tightens; wrinkles, fine lines, scarring, and hyperpigmentation significantly diminish; pores become finer; and the overall health and circulation of the skin is improved.

How Does Rejuvapen Work?

The instrument itself utilizes what is called medical micro-needling, and in Rejuvapen’s case, 9 micro-needles are used on the skin to create thousands of invisible and virtually painless perforations. By creating these microscopic channels in the epidermis, the body immediately responds by increasing the formation of new tissue to refresh mature skin, as well as releasing of growth factors that promote scar and hyperpigmentation repair and healing. Adjustable needle length from .2 to 2.5mm allows customized treatments from skin freshening to deep scar repair anywhere on the body. Note your skin will be numbed prior to treatment.

After the initial treatment, patients often notice that their skin has a healthy pink glow and that fine lines are diminished. Skin naturally takes roughly four weeks to synthesize new collagen, but it is not until about four months that patients can see the full effect of Rejuvapen treatments. It is suggested that patients receive 3-6 treatments, spaced at least three weeks apart.

Micro Needling targets:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Sun damage

  • Hyperpigmentation (dark or red spots)

  • Uneven Skin Tone

  • Skin pigment issues such as melasma

  • Some raised scarring (example: surgical scars)

  • Depressed scars (example: acne scars)

Benefits of Micro Needling:

  • Smooths the surface of the skin

  • Stimulates circulation

  • Evens skin tone

  • Induces collagen

  • Improves the overall condition and appearance of the skin

  • Results in younger more youthful fresher skin

Results like this were once only possible through more invasive treatments with significant down time, but with microneedling, you can see visible results quickly, without having to put your life on hold.

POST-TREATMENT EXPERIENCE- Please note that after micro-needling you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This is normal and will subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally recover within the same day or 24 hours.

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