Dry Eye Syndrome: Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment

Dry eye syndrome is a condition where the tears fail to provide needed lubrication for the eyes. Tears can be unstable or inadequate for different reasons. If the eyes fail to produce adequate tears or produce tears of poor quality, it can lead to dry eye. Tear instability can cause damage or inflammation to the eye surface. The condition is usually uncomfortable as the eyes burn, itch, or sting.

Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome 

Dry eyes occur when the tear film is disrupted. The film contains three layers—aqueous fluid, oil, and mucus. A healthy combination helps keep the eyes clear and well-lubricated. Issues with any of the layers can lead to dry eyes.

Tear film dysfunction can be due to hormonal changes, inflamed eyelid glands, autoimmune diseases, or allergic eye conditions. Dry eye may also be due to increased tear evaporation and reduced tear production. 

Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome

Symptoms of dry eye vary depending on the underlying cause and the severity. They usually affect both eyes and include:

  • Blurry vision and eye fatigue.

  • A burning, scratchy, or stinging sensation.

  • A sensation of something in the eye.

  • Stringy mucus from and around the eyes.

  • Light sensitivity.

  • Eye redness.

  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses. 

  • Difficulty with night vision. 

  • Excessive tearing or watery eyes. 

Risk Factors and Complications of Dry Eye

Some factors can increase the risk of developing dry eye. They include being over 50 years old, female, and consuming a diet low in vitamin A. Wearing contact lenses and previous refractive surgery can cause dry eye.

Failing to treat or manage dry eye can lead to complications such as ocular infections and damage to the eye surface. Dry eye can affect the quality of life by making it difficult to perform tasks such as reading and driving. 

Diagnosing Dry Eye Syndrome 

A comprehensive eye exam can help determine if a patient has dry eye syndrome. Several tests and procedures are conducted to diagnose the condition. They include a Schirmer’s tear test or phenol red thread test, which helps measure the volume of tears, and a test that uses special dye in eye drops to determine the quality of tears.

Others are a tear osmolarity test that measures the composition of water and particles in tears and tear samples that look for dry eye disease markers. 

Treatment for Dry Eye Disease 

Most people experience mild or occasional dry eye, and using OTC eye drops often offers relief. If symptoms are more serious or persistent, it is essential to get medical care. Effective treatment is based on the underlying cause. Options include:

  • Prescription medications.

  • Eyedrops that reduce corneal inflammation. 

  • Eye inserts that release lubricating solutions. 

  • Tear-stimulating medications.

  • Autologous blood serum drops. 

  • Using punctal plugs to close the tear ducts. 

  • Wearing specialized contact lenses. 

  • Thermal pulsation that helps unclog oil glands. 

  • Intense pulsed light therapy that helps with severe dry eye. 

  • Surgery to correct outward-turning eyelids (ectropion). 

Dry eye is a common condition that can cause mild to severe symptoms. Fortunately, treatment can help relieve the symptoms. Changing the medication can reduce the symptoms if dry eye is due to medication for treating a health condition.

For more on dry eye syndrome, visit Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness at our Southport, North Carolina office. Call (910) 400-1215 to schedule an appointment today.

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