What Happens at a Dry Eye Spa?

Dry eye syndrome occurs when the tears you produce are unable to provide enough lubrication for your eyes. Your tears may be inadequate for several reasons. For example, you may be producing low-quality tears or not enough tears. This instability can cause damage or inflammation of the surface of your eye.


Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease


Some of the symptoms of dry eyes include a burning or stinging sensation, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. You may also experience the following:


  • Eye fatigue


  • Scratchy sensation in your eyes


  • Eye redness


  • Stringy mucus in your eyes or around them


  • Watery eyes


  • Foreign object sensation in your eyes


  • Nighttime driving difficulties


  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses




Treatments for dry eye disease aim to make the patient more comfortable. They may include prescription eye drops and lifestyle changes. You may need to stick to these treatment measures indefinitely to manage the symptoms of dry eyes.


Dry Eye Spa


A deficiency of mucus, water, and oil on the surface of the eyes causes dry eyes. Some of the common causes of dry eye include the environment, medications, contact lenses, and more. A dry eye spa specializes in treating dry eye disease so that it does not become the norm. You do not need to live with this condition if there is a treatment available.


Why You Should Visit a Dry Eye Spa


Living with dry eye disease can diminish your quality of life. It can also make regular activities such as driving, engaging in sports, or reading more difficult. Fortunately, the effective and advanced treatments found at a dry eye spa are ideal for mild to severe dry eyes.


What to Expect From Treatment at a Dry Eye Spa


Your eyes are some of the hardest-working organs in the body. Thus, you should consider rewarding them with a trip to an eye spa. This is especially important if you suffer from dry eyes. Treatment at a dry eye spa takes about ten minutes and is comfortable and painless. For lasting relief from dry eyes, you might need to undergo several treatments.


Feeling better and seeing better go hand-in-hand. The goal of a dry eye spa is to improve the patient’s quality of life. As a patient, you will learn about this eye condition and its causes. By understanding what triggers dry eyes, you will gain better control over your condition.


The specialists working at a dry eye spa use proven technologies and techniques to cure the causes of dry eye disease, not just the symptoms. These technologies enable them to treat Meibomian gland dysfunction in a fast and effective way. You can experience relief within a few minutes and leave the spa feeling happy and relieved.


If you often experience dry eyes, you need to pay careful attention to the situations that trigger your symptoms. You then need to find effective ways to avoid those situations to prevent or treat your symptoms. You can learn how to do this at a dry eye spa.


To learn more about what happens at a dry eye spa, visit Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness at our office in Southport, North Carolina. You can call (910) 400-1215 today to schedule an appointment.

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